Sunday the 16th, October 2005

Un nouveau départ - a new start Categories: ~ Replies: 1

Comme le montre la photo ci-après, je vais bien. Le voyageur infatiguable a établi ses pénates chez Adeline, la gracieuse demoiselle que vous voyez rayonner à mon côté... Ca m'a fait tout bizarre de déballer mes sacs après deux mois d'errances à ne pas dormir plus de trois nuits dans le même lit...

As you can see from the following picture, I'm doing OK. After months of traveling around, never sleeping more than three nights in the same bed it felt awkward unpacking for an undefinite time... But Adeline, whose happiness radiates accross the picture, offered me her tenderness and home, which I gladly accepted.

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Sunday the 9th, October 2005

24 and 90 Categories: , ~ Replies: 3

I just turned 24, and my very good friends all joined to buy me some new skates... The Fila M90: carbon low-cut boots, 90mm wheels and 100 compatible, pure delight. Here's a picture (follow link).

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