Wednesday the 29th, June 2005

Miroir surprise Categories: , ~ Replies: none

Je viens juste d'émerger d'un rêve dans lequel je m'étais à demi rasé le crâne (en sinusoïde pour être précis) avant de demander conseil au Troll. Selon lui fallait descendre à 3mm partout, alors imaginez mon étonnement en voyant 2cm de tignasse se balader sur mon crâne... :-)

Tuesday the 28th, June 2005

Comme un poisson - Like a fish Categories: ~ Replies: 2

Une fois en 20 ans, 7 fois en une demie-heure, merci les filles de m'avoir aidé à me jeter à l'eau!

Once in 20 years, now 7 times in 30 minutes: thank you girls for dragging me into the water!

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Monday the 27th, June 2005

I'm MEZMERIZE'd Categories: , ~ Replies: none

One week almost without music -holidays, in other terms- and I really can't stop listening to it. "It" being SOAD's latest release, Mezmerize. Awesome blend of metal and funky breaks, interspersed with SOAD's ethnic trademark voices... *****

De retour du cercle polaire - Back from the arctic circle Categories: , ~ Replies: none

Camion garé, sacs empilés, mails vérifiés, plus qu'à aller se reposer les idées quelques heures pour compenser des 36h de route!

Parked the truck, piled the bags, read new mail, only thing to do now is counteract the effect of 36h of driving without rest!

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Saturday the 18th, June 2005

A nous les fjords! - Show me your fjords at last! Categories: , ~ Replies: none

Dans moins d'une heure je serais en route pour les fjords Norvégiens, je vais enfin voir si le boulot a été aussi bien fait qu'on le dit.

In less than one hour I'll be on the road to see the Norwegian fjords, time to know for myself whether they're as well-done as I've been told all over.

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Thursday the 16th, June 2005

Lost in Sweden Categories: , ~ Replies: none

Just a few minutes ago, another skater turned to say something about the slope we were on. Sensing my incomprehension, he went on: "You understand English, don't you?" -Why of course, funny boy, when it's proper English!
Why did I think that? Because he said: "Nice heels up here!"

Wednesday the 8th, June 2005

Better URLs in PHP (without htaccess) Categories: , , , , ~ Replies: none

I wanted for a while to improve the readability of URLs on my website but without enough time to dive into htaccess. As a temporary fix I chose to expose the title in the URL, together with the id. Here's the how and why.

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Monday the 6th, June 2005

More GMail fun (compose directly, shortcuts to inbox and contacts) Categories: , ~ Replies: none

Think GMail is cool but slow? Tired of waiting for the inbox to load before you can start writing your mail? Fortunately there's GMail Notifier. If you can't use it, at least you can learn from it how to compose mail directly.

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Saturday the 4th, June 2005

Secrets, secrets... Categories: , , ~ Replies: 2

On Post Secret, every picture tells a secret. Sometimes it's sad and sometimes moving, but always deeply human. My favourite goes like...
I make everyone believe that I like to be -different-, but really I just don't know how to fit in.

Long time no blog... Categories: , ~ Replies: none

After a long week of enjoyable work, I finally got to rest a while. At least that's what I plan to do, but with everybody coming and going, I guess it won't be that easy...

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